Australia Post Shipping Estimates

Orders are shipped daily from Melbourne.

Note the below are Australia Post Shipping Estimates only.

Destination / Region

Standard Post Service (Estimates)

Express Post Service (Estimates)

Note that your postcode must fall within an express post area

Sydney & Canberra Metro

Up to 3 days

1 Day

NSW Country

Up to 4 Days

2 – 3 Days

Melbourne Metro

Up to 2 days

1 Day

Vic Country

Up to 3 days

1 Day

Brisbane Metro

2 – 4 Days

1 Day

QLD Near Country

3 – 5 Days

1 – 2 Days

QLD Far Country

3 – 6 Days

3 Days

QLD Far North

5 – 13 Days

3 Days

Adelaide Metro

2 – 3 Days

1 Day

SA Country

2 – 4 Days

2 – 4 Days

Perth Metro

4 – 5 Days

1 – 2 Days

WA Country

5 – 8 Days

1 – 2 Days

WA Country Far

7 – 9 Days

3 – 4 Days

Tasmania Cities

3 – 4 Days

1 Day

Tasmania Rural

3 – 4 Days

2 – 3 Days

Tasmania Remote

12 – 16 Days

3 – 12 Days

Darwin City/subs

4 – 6 Days

2 – 3 Days

Alice Springs

3 – 6 Days

2 – 3 Days

NT Other

13 – 14 Days

3 – 4 Days


For more information regarding Australia Post delivery and speeds click HERE. Note that you will be taken to the Australia Post Website.